MSP Calls on Constituents to Give their Views on Westside plaza Civic Square

Gordon Macdonald, MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, is encouraging local residents to share their views on the current civic square, located at the front of Westside Plaza, as part of Wester Hailes Community Trust’s Making Places: Westside Plaza project.
Community drop in sessions, funded by the Scottish Government’s Making Places initiative, will be held at Clovenstone Community Centre and WHALE Arts Centre, is supporting and encouraging everyone to actively contribute to the development of this community space. The sessions will allow local people to meet with the Wester Hailes Community Trust, partners in local organisations and the City of Edinburgh Council to voice their views on the civic square and what they would like to see to improve the area.
The end of these sessions will be marked with a charrette for local people to work with architects, planners and other relevant individuals to create a Local Place Plan for the future of the Plaza.
People can also contribute by using the Scottish Government Place Standard tool to give their opinions about the Westside Plaza Project online.
Commenting SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon Macdonald, said, “This is a brilliant way for people to have their views incorporated into the ongoing community-led design process. These views will be taken on board and used by Architects HarrisonStevens to create a master plan for the future of the plaza.
“The Plaza has the potential to become a focal point for the community where activities and events could take place – and that’s why it’s important that these processes are available and that the community have the opportunity to choose what works for them.
“Communities have the best local knowledge to consider how places should evolve and I encourage everyone to take part, either at a drop-in session or online, and have their say about what works best for them and the area.”
Notes: Scottish Government Place Standard tool: Scottish Government announcement of Making Place Initiative, for Westside Plaza Civic Square: