Gordon Macdonald MSP Says Programme For Government Will Help Build Back A Better Edinburgh Pentlands
Gordon MacDonald MSP has welcomed the Scottish Government’s 2021/2022 Programme for Government as a strong plan to begin the recovery...

MSP Urges UK Government To House Afghan Refugees In Empty MoD Homes
SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald, is urging the UK Govt to use the 160 unused homes, formerly used as accommodation for...

Free Bus Travel For Under-22s Praised by MSP
MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald, has praised the Scottish Government’s announcement that all residents in Scotland, under...

MSP Urges Projects In Edinburgh To Apply For Scotland Loves Local Fund
MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald, has urged projects across the capital to apply for the newly launched Scotland Loves Local...

Edinburgh MSP Urges Families To Apply For Increased Best Start Payment
Eligible families in Edinburgh are being encouraged to apply for the Best Start Foods payment after the Scottish Government delivered on...

£698,000 Set To Support 6,821 School Children In Edinburgh To Buy School Clothes
The Scottish Government has set to support 6,821 school children in Edinburgh with £698,000 of support to buy school clothes through the...

MSP Welcomes Edinburgh Moving To Level 0 Of COVID Restrictions
Edinburgh Pentlands MSP, Gordon MacDonald, has welcomed the announcement from First Minister Nicola Sturgeon that Edinburgh will move...

NHS Lothian Given £27 Million In Extra COVID Funding
NHS Lothian has been given £27 million in extra COVID-19 funding from the Scottish Government as part of a £380million package allocated...

MSP Encourages Over 18s To Register For Vaccine Via Portal
Edinburgh Pentlands MSP, Gordon MacDonald, is urging everyone aged 18 and over, who has not received a first coronavirus (COVID-19)...

Gove Polling Revelations Show Tories Preparing For IndyRef
The SNP has said that Michael Gove’s claims that he “can’t see” Boris Johnson agreeing to a referendum on Scottish independence before...