SNP MSP Gordon Macdonald has called on constituents living in Edinburgh Pentlands to join the NHS Organ Donor Register following the launch of a new TV publicity campaign by NHS Scotland.
The ‘We Need Everybody’ campaign is seeking to highlight that anyone can be an organ donor, and that by having more people on the Register, more lives can be saved across the country.
Currently less than one percent of deaths in Scotland occur when the person is able to donate their organs, which is why it is vital that more people sign up to the NHS register.
MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon Macdonald, commented: “This is an important campaign – one which will help save lives in the Edinburgh area and across Scotland.
“Signing up to the Organ Donor Register could not be easier – I have and I would encourage my constituents to spare the two minutes that it takes to sign up and join the 43% of Scots who, like me, are also registered.
“The We Need Everybody campaign is about driving home the fact that everybody has it in them to save a life. The Organ Donor Register is a vital resource for our NHS – and with 540 people currently waiting for a life-saving transplant, it is as vital a time as ever to sign up and help save a life.”
People can sign up to the Organ Donor Register at
The full TV advert from the publicity campaign is available at